I didn't laugh at your stupid stick figures.
I didn't laugh at your stupid stick figures.
What about the rest of it? Did you even watch it? What a horrible review.. I used to respect you.
Who drew that damn Stick Slayer?? It looks WAY better than my version! I am jealous! If it was you, may I bear your children? If it wasn't you, can you ask whoever drew it if they will be my gay lover?
The rest was cool too, old school people! 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
It's all me! All! I really enjoy your movies, and I think the Stick Slayer earned his spot in this Museum! More than Eskimo Bob and College University! Stick Slayer is one 1337 little dude!
You are crazy, dude. I feel sorry for your girlfriend. She must be Christian.
Pthbth... Girlfriend? whats that? Is it anything like a computer?
Not bad!! For a stick movie!! Great cinematics.
Heh, praise from Ben Spurgin for my stick-movie. Don't get much better than that. Thanks man. :)
A masterpiece. We love you Damian!
Cheating bastard ;) Thanks!!!
Same drawbacks as before... I shall repeat:
Tooooo sloooooowwwwwwwww, pick up the pace (Even though it's not an action sequence it still runs painfully slow, we should see each shot for 1/2 to 1/3 the time it takes to sliiiiidee slllloooowwwwllly passssst) To get it to run the same length on all comps regardless of quality, steam it to an audio clip that has the volume turned all the way down. It won't add to filesize and will drop frames rather than make the viewer wait and watch every frame chug by
Terrible voice acting
I don't know about that BS about the low-quality backgrounds, SS7 and POG4 have full quality .jpg backgrounds and run just fine on slow comps, there is no need for pixellated vomit.
Not enough motion, except for the first shot. They look like comics with moving hair. Flash has potential for so much more than a slideshow!
Hopefully the gameplay will make up for it.
The problem is, when you have characters that try to stay within the bounds of anatomy and natural motion, it becomes impossible to constantly fully animate them with a team of one. That is why anime (TV) is never fully animated as compared to kid's shows in the U.S. - the characters are too complex and they don't have the budget/timeframe to animate in the same way. For instance, if I was to dumb down my style to yours, ignoring all rules of anatomy and motion (ie. circular breasts that begin at the neck), then I could easily "animate" them a bit more. Oh, and a tip for you - one of the first rules of graphic design is that an overuse of gradients is NEVER good, in any way, shape or form. Have a nice day! :)
Oh, and Flash has VERY limited potential - not exported to AVI. I tested a movie quality animation on there and it chugged along unbelivably ridiculously. Streaming doesn't work - it causes Flash to skip frames - that is simply not an option if you have any frame by frame or want smooth motion. Once you try things as complex as what I'm working with - then give tips :)
Ending #1 was my favorite... ending #4 suprised the fuck out of me. Mario died on top of Pimp's Quest!! You tryin to tell me something man??
Good job!!
pure coincidence Benjamen! I swear!
Oh hell yea!! Finally a friggin movie I don't have to sit and stare at for hours until something cool happens!! Great pacing and action make this a great flick. A little more original subject matter would have gotten a perfect 10! The geek was awesome tho
-Ben Spurgin
Hey Ben! In case you didnt notice you are in the SPECIAL THANKS section of the credits cuz I used your "Scrolling Effect" tutorial to help me with the scrolling effects in the movie. I love your stuff!! You rule!! WOO!! WOO!!
The reason I gave humor a "10" was because all the people at my job were sobbing uncontrollably from laughter at the horrible voice acting. It makes Eskimo Bob sound like Shakespeare!
Also you ned to learn how to pick up the pace! Watch Stick Slayer 6 to see what pace your next movie should be. Imagine 5 minutes of that and that's my next movie. Let's see... 1 hour work per shot, 243 shots, 5 minutes. THAT'S a good pace. 15 minutes work per shot, 13 shots, 5 minutes. That's a slowwwwwwwww movie.
Keep trying!
243 shots in 5 minutes? That's horrible direction! That's even beyond MTV video editing! Hahah, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever read. I have 75 shots in Arrogancy 3, which is right on pace for any type of non-music video production.
Out of all the movies on Newgrounds, Stick Slayer would be the LAST thing that I'd want to emulate. Tighten up your art and anatomy and ease up on the gradients, PLEASE. You're breaking every rule of graphic design an aesthetics when you make EVERYTHING a gradient. Don't use music so recognizable as Gladiator - create your own if you can, or find something that everyone doesn't already know. And it would be a good idea to lighten up on the action. Take these suggestions to heart, and you'll get the respect of the more mature crowd.
Clocks + Eskimo Bob + Begging for votes = 0
One day Strawberry Clock will enter your heart and teach you about the love in the world...then you too can move away from making silly stick movies and begin making divine Clock masterpieces. :)
Hi! I'm Ben. Years ago I made Pimp's Quest and Stick Slayer. Now I play in a super famous rock band. Thanks so much for all your support, guys!
Age 15, Male
Flash Animator
Hard Knocks
Denver, CO
Joined on 10/7/00